Tricycle Day

10x your psychedelic therapy or coaching practice
without compromising your platform or integrity

Practice Expansion is a hybrid course/mastermind container for psychedelic professionals committed to landing more clients and making a greater impact. Only 20 11 spots are available. đŸ« 

⏳ Enrollment closes on Sunday, September 29. ⏳

Let's face it: You became a psychedelic therapist, coach, or facilitator to transform lives, not to become a marketing guru. But here you are, staring at an empty appointment calendar, wondering if and how your ideal clients will ever find you.Right on cue, the ruminative thoughts kick in
 Who am I to do this sacred work? What was I thinking?Okay okay, before we spiral... You are a skilled practitioner. You felt the call from the medicine, you put in the work, you invested in the certifications and trainings, and you selflessly dove head-first into helping people connect to the highest, wholest versions of themselves.And your results speak for themselves. Your clients have had massive breakthroughs. They’re grateful. Though they may not have told you explicitly, you’ve probably even saved lives. It feels good to be of service.So, universe, what gives? I showed up. Now where is everyone else I’m supposed to help?Yeah yeah, “life is happening for me, not to me.” We know. But seriously, why is it such a struggle to make ends meet and pay the bills, when you know your work matters?Shouldn’t some divine law of reciprocity have kicked in by now?

The elephant in the room

Here’s what your psychedelic training program conveniently forgot to tell you.Knowing how to work with clients and medicine is necessary, but it’s not sufficient. Not even close. If you’re gonna strike out on your own, you also have to know how to run a business. That means wearing all the hats—not just healer, but marketer and salesman, too.For what it’s worth, you’re not alone. Pretty much everyone in our field faces the same common challenges.

  • Client flow is inconsistent, so your income is unpredictable at best

  • You can’t talk about your work as openly as you’d like, so it’s hard to establish a recognizable brand

  • Psychedelics are sensitive, so tactics from other industries may not work here

  • You’re navigating legal gray areas, so you have to weigh every decision more carefully (assuming you don’t want to be visited by the authorities)

  • The clients who need you most don’t know it, so there’s a big education gap to cross before they even consider working with you

  • Subconscious stories are holding you back, so you might have to change your relationship with money to get unstuck

So there you have it. A whole list of justifications for why it feels like you’re the best-kept secret in town—and not in the cool, underground way.

The root of the problem

You’ve probably tried it all.

  • Built a website that’s getting as much traffic as a cul-de-sac

  • Attended networking events where you awkwardly tried to explain your job (without incriminating yourself)

  • Joined online communities, sent a couple gifs, and lurked as all engagement fizzled out

  • Experimented with social media and promptly got shadow-banned or worse

  • Settled for word-of-mouth referrals even though they're totally unpredictable

We respect the hustle, really. A for effort. But these generic strategies don't account for the discretion, education, and trust-building needed in the psychedelic space.It's time to up your game. But here’s the good news: You can do it in a way that is authentic to you, safe and responsible for your clients, and shockingly effective for your business.

Introducing Practice Expansion

Practice Expansion is a transformative 6-week program designed specifically for psychedelic therapists, coaches, and facilitators ready to scale their practice and increase their impact.This isn't just another "guru" course promising you the moon. In fact, there are no gurus to speak of.Yes, you’ll be learning from legit marketing wizards, but you’re also going to learn from each other. Because after all, in this emerging field, we’re all pioneers figuring it out together.

What sets Practice Expansion apart

  1. Industry-Specific Expertise: Learn from professionals and peers who understand the unique challenges of marketing psychedelic services.

  2. Collaborative Learning: Join a cohort of 20 fellow practitioners, all navigating the same frontier.

  3. Actionable Strategies: Implement what you learn in real-time and see immediate results in your practice.

  4. Comprehensive Skill Development: Master branding, content creation, sales funnels, and ethical marketing techniques.

  5. Ongoing Support: Benefit from a mastermind community that continues beyond the course duration.

Twice-weekly sessions

  • Deep Dive Workshops: Once a week, subject matter experts will blow your mind with tactics, tips, and tricks in their zone of genius. We’ll leave time for Q&A because we know you'll have questions. Lots of ‘em.

  • Mastermind Meetings: In the other weekly session, you’ll each take turns in the hot seat, sharing specific business challenges and receiving feedback. It's like group therapy, but for your practice.

Week-by-week curriculum

  • Week 1: Craft Your Unique Brand Story
    Outcome: A compelling narrative that resonates with your ideal clients

  • Week 2: Build Your Content and Community Strategy
    Outcome: A sustainable plan to educate and engage your audience

  • Week 3: Design Your Client Attraction Funnel
    Outcome: A seamless system to guide potential clients from curiosity to commitment

  • Week 4: Master Ethical Sales Conversations
    Outcome: Confidence in converting inquiries into long-term client relationships

  • Week 5: Navigate Paid Media and Advertising
    Outcome: Strategies to effectively use paid channels to reach your ideal clients

  • Week 6: Scale Your Impact With Collaborations and Advanced Strategies
    Outcome: A visionary plan to expand your reach and influence in the field

We will be kicking off the program in early October. Exact dates and times are TBD, based on a poll of participants’ availability.

The gift that keeps on giving

After our six weeks of structured programming come to an end, you don’t have to say goodbye.This community is yours to keep. You’ll have ongoing access to the group, so you can support one another as accountability partners, revisit all the course materials and replays, and maybe even find new and expansive ways to work together.

Invest in your clients by investing in yourself

Joining Practice Expansion is an investment in your practice's growth and your ability to serve those who need you most.

Limited time offer


... or 2 payments of


Become a founding member of this new community

Keep in mind this is our “beta” cohort. The price will increase significantly for future cohorts.If you're accepted into this cohort, you'll get discounted pricing and premium access to Henry (the founder of Tricycle Day) compared to future participants.In exchange, we ask the following of you.

  • You show up 100% for the experience and give it your full effort

  • You provide your honest feedback during and/or after the program, so that we can iterate and improve it for future cohorts

  • You offer a testimonial for others considering joining in the future

If there is interest, we may extend the mastermind container or create a separate one for graduates of the 6-week program. If you choose to participate in such an extension, there will be an additional cost.

We’re committed. Are you?

We're so confident in this program that we'll back it up with a two-part guarantee. That way, your Practice Expansion investment is totally risk free.

  • Rollover policy: If within 14 days of our first meeting you realize your schedule is busier than you thought or that you’re not quite ready for the program, we’ll roll you forward into a future cohort at zero additional cost.

  • 100% money-back guarantee: If you participate fully in the program and don't see significant improvement in your ability to attract clients within 30 days of completion, we'll refund 100% of your investment. No questions asked. (Okay, maybe a few questions
 we’re curious like that.)

Let’s do this

Only 20 spots are available. This concept only works with a tight-knit community, where every participant gets personalized attention.Join Practice Expansion and build the thriving practice you've been dreaming about.

Frequently asked questions

Who is Practice Expansion for?
This program is designed for psychedelic professionals—therapists, coaches, facilitators and guides, whether licensed or underground—who are confident in their ability to serve clients effectively and want to grow their practice and increase their impact.
It is not a psychedelic therapy training program.What if my practice is complex? I work with several modalities, not just psychedelics.
Great! Having many tools in your toolbelt will help you differentiate yourself, establish a personal brand, attract the clients uniquely suited to you, and ultimately serve them at a higher level.
Whether your goal is to shift your practice more toward psychedelic work or you're happy with your current balance, this program can help you reach and serve more clients.I'm an underground provider. Can I still participate?
Yes. A license is not required to participate in Practice Expansion. Everyone working in the psychedelic space is a pioneer with invaluable experience to share. We can all learn from one another.
How much does Practice Expansion cost?
Our goal is to make this program mastermind community available at the most affordable price possible, while still charging enough to support our business and keep you accountable.
The full price of the program for our "beta" cohort is $1,797. The price will likely increase for future cohorts.Are payment plans available?
Yes. You have the option of paying over two monthly installments of $997.
What is the time commitment?
Each of the 2 weekly meetings will run 60-90 minutes. Expect to spend an additional 2 hours per week implementing the learnings from the deep dive workshops. All in, you can assume a total time commitment of ~4.5 hours per week for 6 weeks.
How long do I have access to the program materials?
You'll have access to all the session recordings for life. And of course, you can stay in contact with your cohort as long as you like.
What if I’m not tech savvy?
As long as you can handle Zoom and a group chat, you're golden. Yes, there will be technical skills covered in the deep dive workshops, but the most important lessons will be around the strategic thinking behind the tactics. For anything technical, we will walk you through the execution. And if there's appetite for it, we may offer "done-for-you" assistance with setup.
What if I can’t attend all the live sessions?
Before we set the schedule, we will poll the full cohort to find the best times for our weekly sessions. Ideally, you're able to attend all of them—particularly the mastermind meetings. But if you have to miss a few, don’t worry. We’ll record each session and make them available, along with notes and resources discussed on the calls.
What if I have more questions?
Email me at [email protected]. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

A final word... In a world full of ordinary, dare to be transcendent. (And profitable. Profitable is good, too.)Any questions? Email [email protected].